After examining an N migration to Turkey, VL85, I went up several branches in the tree to VL73. All living descendants of this man descend from a man who lived 100 BC.
While there are few samples from each branch, they do broadly cover regions currently inhabited by Turks or their former spheres of influence.
The branching point of 100 BC in Central Asia for VL73 seems to better fit a Turkic/Hunnic (or pre-Hunnic) expansion than a Mongol one, which would have occurred over a thousand years later. There doesn't seem to be much consensus on the origin of the Huns so I leave it to those with more experience to theorize further on this. It is interesting to note the proximity of Sodgia (referenced in above link) to the theoretically computed VL73 origin.
Note the computed location of VL83 in Azerbaijan is not due to samples obtained in Azerbaijan. The location was computed as an intermediate point between VL85 sample in western Turkey and a VL83* from Turkmenistan. While Azerbaijan also has deep Turkic roots this computed origin for VL85 is not reliable until there are more samples.
Hello, thank you for this nice research. Im the VL-85 guy 🙂
But your language estimate for my subclade as indo-iranian and roman-latin looks funny, i think you did a mistake, if not wishfull thinking. Of course N’s don’t speak this mentioned languages
Thanks, yes your particular line has Tatars and other Turkic speakers I can see.