Supplemental Samples file shows the format for project contributors to supplement their haplogroup project with additional samples or to replace existing data with more accurate information.
1. Exact latitude and longitude is best, but if this is not available or convenient, you may enter location by 3 letter or 2 letter codes in the "geocode" column.
If you use 3 letter followed by space and then the 2 letter code w/ specified region in brackets, my algorithm will attempt to look up the regional code first and default to 3 letter code if the regional geolocation is missing. Example: DEU [DE-BY]
If entering latitude and longitude, use ".", not "," for decimal.
2. "clade" entry must match a clade in your haplogroup's tree on PhyloGeographer. Different nomenclature systems exist for clades, so make sure you can look it up from "My Ancestors' Path" clade lookup mode.
3. "negatives", optional, should contain negative calls for the sample joined by ":". Note if a sample's clade is not a terminal subclade, it will be ignored by PhyloGeographer unless it is negative for all known subclades.
4. "ybp", optional, years before present birth of most distant known paternal ancestor.
Question: Should I use my location or my most distant known paternal ancestor's location? Or should I enter both as separate samples?
Answer: If you have a different subclade than your most distant known paternal ancestor, yes enter both.
Otherwise, and this is true in most cases, it may be more useful for your project's research to consolidate your and his data into one entry: assume your most distant ancestor was positive for your subclade, but use his location and years before present.
5. To correct/update existing data, use the same id as referenced in your project's existing data.