Most haplogroup N members in Europe live in the north of Europe and appear to have migrated there from Asia via a northerly route. Most of these lineages did not penetrate into central or southeastern Europe.
Haplogroup N-Y7310 is one of few N haplogroups with diversity in the Pontic Steppe. Because this lineage has no diversity in northern Europe and a MRCA of 700 years ago, a Mongolian vector should be considered.
Complicating or contradicting this theory is a single N-P189.2* sample from Devon, England, whose ancestors parted ways with Y7310's lineage 2400 BC.
Either N-P189.2 was already in Europe by 2400 BC or there were two migrations from the Altai Mountains to Europe that happened after this date. The former explanation seems more likely.
In that case, the N-Y6516 diversification event around 1300 AD can be understood as a local survivor that possessed power at this time and whose progeny may have had less competition for women as a result of the termination of many other male lineages by the Mongols.
I am a N-p189.2 from Nicolaus, CA. My oldest known Paternal ancestors were from St. Georges des Coteaux, France about 1600. I’m interested in sharing and learning of any additional research.
Hi Douglas,
If you use facebook I recommend joining the haplogroup N group. Jari their admin is an active researcher.
I would recommend taking one of the Y-DNA tests at FamilyTreeDNA and than joining their N-P189.2 project. This way you will get most informative answers about any additional research into your paternal line.
Hello Douglas,
I am also of: np189.2. You are only the second individual of this group I have discovered. The discovery of my haplogroup was a pure accident (of sorts), trying to discover the identity of my biological father. So far no luck in that search. Having tested with three services, I’m either, Croatian, Bosnian, or Serbian, so it seems. And my DNA is approximately half of one (or a combination) of those groups.
Where does your research take you from here?
Brandon S. Portland, Oregon
Hello Brandon,
I am very happy to see that the list of representatives of the group n-p189.2 is constantly growing. I also belong to this group based on the big y DNA test done last year . The more members of our group are discovered, the more accurately its origin and development can be established . The fact that remains with DNA n-p189.2 were found in the steppes of Kazakhstan during the excavation of a bronze age mound confirms the theory of its origin in this region.
Hi Brandon, My group was in the Saintes area of France by at least 1550 AD and it appears they had been there for quite some time. The FTDNA group is excellent and I highly recommend joining it.