Hunter Provyn is a systems and information engineer and citizen-scientist in haplogroup J2b and developer of freely available uniparental line analytical tools such as PhyloGeographer, HRAS and STR Match Finder

As a YSEQ reseller, I now offer a discounted analysis to any customer who wants to buy YSEQ’s SNPs, Alpha-Beta or WGS test products by paying me directly as detailed below.

Schedule a Free 15-Minute Mini-Consultation Today!

Clade Finder Support + one SNP – $50

Anyone who has tested at 23andMe, AncestryDNA, MyHeritage or FTDNA Family Finder can upload their raw data file to Clade Finder to see their most likely haplogroup.

For this service, you can email me your file* and will I interpret your Clade Finder output for you and provide you a recommendation for a SNP to test, to either confirm the indicated haplogroup or to attempt to verify a more specific subclade that you may be positive for, depending on your research goals and whether or not a more specific lineage seems likely based on your branch of the tree and your male line paper trail.

This package includes one SNP test but if further support is required, I can provide this at $25 per additional SNP.

*In order to evaluate Clade Finder ties and/or potential false positives/negatives in your autosomal file it is easiest if you email me your raw data file. If you prefer to rather email me the screenshot instead, please expand by clicking the +3 button and also make sure to include the “next best prediction” at the bottom. If the next best prediction has the same score, click that and send me the screenshot of that as well.

Alpha-Beta STRs Test + Analysis Package – $130

For years I have recommended YSEQ’s Alpha-Beta STR panel for those with limited funds who are interested in getting the most for their money. Anyone who is a genealogical time frame relative must closely match your Alpha-Beta STR signature. Plus, even if you have no close matches, it is usually possible to predict your haplogroup to the Bronze Age (but not guaranteed).

For the same price as purchasing the two panels separately, you get a text report by email containing screenshots detailing:

  • Closest STR Matches from STR Match Finder
  • Closest related ancient sample(s)
  • Most Specific Haplogroup I can predict. This is usually in the form of, “You are very reliably positive for line X, and my best prediction for a more specific child line is…”. Because I’m a geek I will explain my reasoning.
  • Very concise insight on approximately where this lineage’s ancestor(s) were likely living in the last few thousand years based on samples on the YFull tree that I can readily analyze
  • HRAS relative frequency map showing approximate computed migration

Follow-on Options:

  • Guidance for a la carte SNP testing at $25 per SNP (includes SNP product). This is for those who wish to confirm the haplogroup I have predicted or a more specific subclade of it.
  • Consulting to help you advance your uniparental male line research goals
  • Consulting to teach you any of theory or practical methods I use (see my Tutorials)

WGS Test + Analysis Package – $399 / $439 / $739 for WGS / WGS+ / WGS++

By ordering a WGS test, your male and female uniparental lines will be resolved to the highest resolution possible when you release your data to YFull for analysis (their €45 fee not covered). YFull analysis advances the research by adding your male and female lines to the YFull tree, along with a country and regional code that shows other relatives/researchers where you trace your male and female line ancestors.

So there will be no need to predict male line haplogroup from the Y-STRs because it will be known from the YFull analysis of the SNPs. However because YSEQ can extract STRs from the WGS test (through software I recently developed), the report still includes closest STR matches from STR Match Finder.

This analysis package includes everything from the previous with the addition of:

  • Closest related ancient female line sample(s)
  • Very concise insight on where this lineage’s female line ancestor(s) were likely living in the Neolithic or Bronze Age
  • HRAS map for female line
  • Support for how to get the most out of your YFull analysis

Follow-on Options:

  • Consulting to help you advance your uniparental male / female line research goals (including leveraging autosomal matches from GEDmatch) / learn how to do it yourself
  • Consulting to teach you any of theory or practical methods I use (see my Tutorials)

How do I order a YSEQ Test + PhyloGeographer Analysis Package?

To take advantage of the discounted test and analysis package, create an account on YSEQ but do not order the product.

Send me the stated cost via Paypal or Zelle to hunter provyn at gmail dot com (note that my first name IS “Frank”). If you pay via Paypal please be sure to pay as a friend, otherwise they take a cut and you’ll need to pay more to cover my fee.

Either send me an email to let me know your YSEQ customer id or mention this in the payment notes and I will place the order for your test.

Note that you will need to return a cheek swab sample in the mail to the YSEQ laboratory in Berlin, Germany, as stated on their website. Please check with me before sending the payment if you think there may be issues with shipping to/from your country.