
  • Paternal line country origins self reported from YFull customers
  • Different bands indicate sampling rate relative to world average
  • Countries one shade different are roughly half as sampled (toward blue scale) or twice as sampled (toward red scale) per capita.
  • Hover over the countries to see the exact sampling rates.



  • At this time countries with no representation on YFull are excluded from computing world avg sample rate, however this won’t change relative sampling rates between two countries.
  • Also note several YFull codes denoting ethnic groups rather than strictly countries/regions have not been integrated.
  • Disentangling GBR codes representing Wales, Scotland and England has not yet been done – instead I’ve lumped WLS, ENG, SCT and GBR codes together as one region, shown as GBR on the map.
  • Note that there is yet unresolved skew for diaspora countries and countries where diaspora have colonized. This could be mitigated by using total diaspora populations, which I have not yet found a single parseable source for.